
WUDO or voodoo : Whats Microsoft upto this time

WUDO stands for  Windows Update Delivery Optimisation. It has been officially rolled out in the Windows 10 free upgrade. There have been enough hints dropped by Microsoft earlier, but it is a shocker that this has been enabled by default and that it has been done without the user’s consent. So what is WUDO all about. Under Settings…

OpenSuse Installation

OpenSuse Installation

OpenSuse is a universal Linux Operating System which can be installed on Desktop PCs, Notebooks and Servers. It is the open source version of Suse Linux. It is a boon for those who want a graphical installation and subsequent usage with a graphical interface, even for the server version. Its Yast tool is the best…


Best Comment System (Part 2) : WordPress.com

Previously we had seen how Blogger integrates with Google Plus to give us an unmatched commenting experience. The competitor blogging platform by WordPress has a similar feast in offing. Similar, but not identical. Since WordPress does not have its own social networking platform, its come up with a unique system to help bloggers. WordPress is distinctly…